Transport Canada published guidelines for safety and compliance in fishing vessel operations

Transport Canada has issued ship safety bulletin No. 14/2024
Transport Canada has issued ship safety bulletin No. 14/2024

Transport Canada has issued ship safety bulletin No. 14/2024 on fishing vessels’ safety procedures and crew familiarization.

The bulletin is primarily for masters and authorized representatives of Canadian fishing vessels and its purpose is to remind authorized representatives of their responsibility to develop emergency procedures and train crew members.

Regulatory Requirements

Section 3.16 of the Fishing Vessel Safety Regulations mandates written safety procedures covering all aspects of vessel operation, configuration, and equipment. Hard copies of these procedures must be kept onboard.

Assistance Available

Transport Canada provides guides and templates for developing procedures. Templates should be customized to fit vessel specifics.

Training and Familiarization

– Crew members must complete minimum marine emergency training as per Marine Personnel Regulations.
– On-board familiarization and safety training are required before crew members begin work.
– Monthly drills are recommended to practice using safety equipment and executing emergency procedures.

Compliance and Inspections

– Records of drills must be maintained onboard and presented during inspections.
– Inadequate procedures or lack of crew familiarity may lead to deficiency notices or vessel detention.

Click to read the guidelines online.

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